still from "Feral", dir. Daniel Sousa

Wild Children – short films, curated by Katarzyna Kijek

When, in 1830, Captain Robert FitzRoy abducted four indigenous inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego, he believed he was doing the “wild people” a favor by introducing them to a superior European civilization steeped in Christianity. A civilization that claims dominance over nature and, in the name of its own dogmas, seeks to impose its rhetoric, laws, and conventions upon the world.

However, famous historical upbringing experiments suggest that nature rarely remains passive, and ruthless attempts to force a "wild" individual into the rigid framework of socially acceptable etiquette are usually doomed to be a failure. At best, they result in a Gombrowicz-style "mug" and "bottom"; at worst, they lead to tragic consequences, as seen in the life stories of Kaspar Hauser, Genie, and Victor of Aveyron.

The life of the latter directly inspired the creation of the film Feral by Daniel Sousa and has likely influenced many narratives expressing resistance against rigid social norms. However, the need to return to nature does not always take on such dramatic dimensions, as demonstrated by one of the examples in this curated film selection.

Darwin's Notebook, Georges Schwizgebel, Switzerland 2020, 9’21’’ 

The return of three Anglicized natives people to their country or the beginning of a meeting with the modern world that will destroy them.

Feral, Daniel Sousa, USA 2012, 12’46’’

A wild boy is found in the woods by a solitary hunter and brought back to civilization. Alienated by a strange new environment, the boy tries to adapt by using the same strategies that kept him safe in the forest.

Sauvage, Paul Cabon, France 2009, 04’40’’

A bald man returns to his wild nature.

The Debutante, Elizabeth Hobbs, UK 2022, 8’00’’

A spirited young woman persuades a hyena from London Zoo to take her place at a dinner dance being held in her honour. 

Wildebeest, Nicolas Keppens and Matthias Phlips, Belgium 2017, 19’’20’’

Going on a safari is a dream for many. For middle-aged couple Linda and Troyer it turns into a horribly real adventure when they get left behind in the wilderness.

Oh Willy, Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels,  16’42’’

Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery.

Curator - Katarzyna Kijek

Katarzyna Kijek – Polish screenwriter and animation director. Creator of music videos and other short-form video projects. A significant part of her work is created in collaboration with Przemysław Adamski. Films and music videos by the Kijek/Adamski duo have been screened at hundreds of festivals worldwide, earning numerous industry awards.