Agatka i liście / Aggie andthe Leaves, Andrzej Piotr Morawski, Polska / Poland, 2019, 10’
Aggie creates a collage out of fallen leaves: a forest in the Fall in the background, a Leafy Maiden in the foreground. As the girl shows the finished work to Ciril, the Leafy Maiden disappears suddenly. A call for help is heard from inside the picture, and the kids take a leap into the leafy world.
Opowiadania z piaskownicy: Zęby /Sandbox Stories: Teeth, Robert Turło, Polska / Poland, 2021, 5 ’
Tomek hates brushing his teeth; sometimes the toothpaste stings his tongue, sometimes he is still sleepy because it's still morning, or sleepy already, because it's already nighttime. His dad shows him the best way to brush his teeth, but foreach of his father's arguments, Tomek has a few counter-arguments of his own.
Bolshoy y malenky / Bigand Small, Natalia Grofpel, Rosja / Russia, 2020, 6’
A children’s pocket can be a place for incredible events.
Lew / Lion, Magdalena Pilecka, Polska / Poland, 2020, 2’35”
The main character in this video is a proud LION. How do other animals react to him? Does he feellonely?
Nie taki krokodyl straszny / Not So Scary a Crocodile, Grzegorz Koncewicz, Polska / Poland, 2020, 10’30”
A dog meets a crocodile in the sewer and invites him home to wash and have something to eat before the dog's owner returns. The crocodile tells him his story, finds out that he isn't so scary after all, and learns that living in the zoo is much better than living in the sewer.
Méga méga méga méga fête / Mega Mega Mega Mega Party, Collectif 14 Enfants, Belgia/Belgia, 2020, 4'19 ”
Stories always start on a blank page...
Wielka Księga Uczuć – Tęsknota /The Great Book of Feelings – Longing, Wiola Sowa, Polska / Poland, 2020, 7’
A collection of funny stories about a „special agent” teacher called Miłka, atheater puppet and a group of absolutely lovable kindergarten kids. Each episode of the series talks about a different emotion. There are stories about missing someone, about shame, love, hate and jealousy. At the end of each episode we find useful advice for both children and adults.
Rodzina Treflików – Majsterklepka" / The Treflik Family – Handyman, Marek Skrobecki, Polska / Poland, 2020, 8’30”
Some kids find an old gramophone at a garbage dump. They decide to fix it so that it doesn't get rusty. The Trefliks learn how to consume responsibly and discoverthe value of giving a "second life" to things.