
Play-off III

Short films
7.30 pm
free of charge
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Competition films screening; film with the highest number of votes by the audience enters the International Competition.

10 000 bez obraznyh pyaten / 10 000 Ugly Inkblots, Dmitry Geller, Rosja, Chiny / Russia, China, 2020, 8’10’’

Two artists who haven't met for a while are going towards each other.            

Cucaracha / Roach, Agustín Touriño, Argentyna / Argentina, 2020, 13’20’’

Gregorio has a uniform life. He works in a factory and lives alone. One day a cockroach appears in his pantry and hesees the possibility of changing his life.

Pandiculation, Jakob Eiring & Konrad Hjemli, Norwegia / Norway, 2020, 3’11’’

The act of stretching oneself (often accompanied by yawning).

Criss Cross, Caroline Hamann, Niemcy / Germany, 2020, 7’30’’

Criss Cross is a film about love and borders. An unfortunate chain of events motivates a couple in love to try and defy the obstacles between them.

Oby ciebie nie nosiła ziemia / May the World Not Carry You, Rozalia Ogonowska, Polska / Poland, 2019, 3’33’’

A girl betrayed decides to commit suicide on her beloved's wedding day.

הטיפוס מסוכן / Beware of Cliff, Shalev Ben Elya, Izrael / Israel, 2020, 1’38’’

A punk climbs a concrete statue even though it is prohibited, and awakens the statue from its slumber.

Needs, Júlia Lerch, Węgry / Hungary, 2020, 5’19’’

Our most important internal motivationis to satisfy our needs. In 4 episodes it shows what would happen if our needs were changed, shifted in time, able to ad just to our agenda, or if we could influence them – as amorphous shapes that are changing in their own material.

All Jerk, No Work, Chris Lambourne, Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom, 3’51’’

The tale of a young man who ‘got intouch’ with himself over lockdown.

Pilar, Yngwie Boley & J.J. Epping & Diana van Houten, Holandia / Netherlands, 2020, 9’22’’

A dangerous intruder gives Pilar the chance to discover the wild animal with in and the means to escape the post-apocalyptic village she lives in.