Kaja Łuczyńska

Kaja Łuczyńska

Kaja Łuczyńska - PhD in Arts, graduate of Film Studies and American Studies at the Jagiellonian University. Film lecturer and educator, coordinator of the Edukacja Młode Horyzonty (Young Horizons Education) and Młodzi Ambasadorzy (Young Ambassadors) programs at Kino Pod Baranami in Kraków. Member of the Team of Film Educators. Winner of both the Grand Prize and Audience Award in the National Film Presenters Competition, as well as the Grand Prix in the Krytyk Mówi (Critic Speaks) competition, organized by the Kamera-Akcja Film Critics Festival. She publishes in Ekrany, Ha!art, and Fragile. She runs a Facebook page titled "Orbitowanie bez cukru" and hosts the "Seriale na raz" radio show on Radio Kraków.

Team of Film Educators